exponential growth
Yes, it's a post about the COVID-19 pandemic, because this year nobody is talking about anything else. But I've been holding off because the situation changes every day…
Yes, it's a post about the COVID-19 pandemic, because this year nobody is talking about anything else. But I've been holding off because the situation changes every day…
There's a train of thought, among those fed up with the government of the day or cynical about politics in general, that all politicians are crooks, and that only bad people could even want to be in politics. But I've known some very nice people who have been politicians, so I know this isn't true.…
If you search the web to find out about the Fabian Society, among the factual websites you will find a number of web sites aimed at alerting the world about the dangers of socialism, and especially about Fabianism…
Some of my social media contacts have recently been playing with a political co-ordinates test. It asks 36 questions and sorts you onto a two-dimensional grid, where the two axes are Left/Right and Communitarian/Liberal. It gives some examples…
...but it still isn't. Today people are rightly celebrating that gay couples can now get married in the UK. But while this is another huge step towards equality, I'm frustrated that we're still not quite there yet. Now we have…
One of the memories which come to my mind related to Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday, is from the 1990s: a work colleague regularly wore a FREE NELSON MANDELA teeshirt, but since the man had indeed now been freed…