technology answers
A final tranche of questions I've answered on Quora, these ones being IT stuff not covered in my post on Java questions…
A final tranche of questions I've answered on Quora, these ones being IT stuff not covered in my post on Java questions…
I've answered a lot of questions about sexuality, sex, orientation and gender on Quora. There's often an element of personal opinion in such answers, but I try to stay objective, evidence-based, ethical and compassionate…
Answers on religious topics. Obviously this is much more about my opinion than the previous set of answers about Java and programming. But it has also been a chance for me to share what I've learned about Buddhism…
I seem to have answered a lot of questions on Quora about Java, which is strange because Quora is really a poor choice of place to ask questions like this…
More of my answers on Quora. This week: maps, cartography, and travel (mostly air travel questions, but featuring "luggage")…
I've been using the question-and-answer site Quora for almost exactly 3 years, and I've written nearly 1,000 answers…