mirrors should reflect
Les miroirs feraient bien de réfléchir davantage.…
Les miroirs feraient bien de réfléchir davantage.…
When I think of this poetic line of dialogue from the Buffy episode *restless* I'm reminded of this fireman…
This is a still from Amelie, one of my favourite films both because of its story about dreamers and its unusual red-and-green palette – perfectly illustrated by this shot of Paris looking down from Montmartre…
It's too bad she won't live... but then again, who does? (Gaff in “Bladerunner”)…
DECKARD: What's that going to prove? TYRELL: Indulge me. (from “Bladerunner”) I love how this film is so rich in tiny details. When Dr. Eldon Tyrell says “indulge me” he makes the sign of benediction to Deckard. It's so momentary…
BARBARELLA: Why me? PRESIDENT OF EARTH: I have no armies or police, and I can't spare the presidential band! (from “Barbarella”) My favourite line. The threat of the Positronic Ray doesn't quite justify deploying the presidential band.…
Sometimes you just have to jump, and hope you can come up with a plan on the way down. (Scene from “The Fifth Element”)…
A dog! I always hoped there would be dogs. (from “A Matter of Life and Death”)…
I live here, inside this rock. It's safer in here, no-one can touch me. The Black Guards cannot hurt me. When the Great Comet passes by, it cannot burn me. How did I get here? The living rock simply grew…
*(from “The Fifth Element”)*…
*(from “La Dolce Vita”)*…